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Wealth Management &

HK Investment Immigration Advisory


Being backed up by our strong expertise and resources in both Hong Kong and the mainland, we provide high quality professional Wealth Management advisory services helping individuals, corporations and investors on their financial analysis for the best investment decision-making. Our Wealth Management team comes from insurance company, investment bank, asset management, I.T., tax & accounting, property consultancy, and commercial bank with abundant experiences are waiting for your call.

With stronger China economy, higher RMB status in the globe, looking for better education environment for the Chinese young generation, enjoying better medical and welfares, investment diversification, seeking lower tax rate and simple taxation policy, higher judiciary visibility and the internationalization, many more mainland Chinese are considering a new life in HK. We provide advisory and application services, assist and evaluate your investment instrument for the application including equity, bonds, notes, funds and property. After sales and follow-up services are also available.

我們團隊配合中國內外的資源優勢,招攬各方專業人才,向客人提供高質素、專業的理財顧問服務,協助各公司、團體、投資者及個人客戶分析財務狀況,進而作出最佳理財決定。我們的財務策劃師團隊為金融保險、投資銀行、資產管理、資訊科技、稅務與會計、商業銀行等豐富經驗的專業人士,等候您隨時的諮詢。 中國經濟不斷增強,人民幣國際化的契機,人們為孩子們尋找更好的教育環境,希望享用更好的醫療設施及福祉,投資的分散,追求低稅率和簡單的稅務政策,更高的司法透明度,國際化等,都使我們更嚮往移民香港,開始人生新的一頁。我們提供一切有關投資與移民的諮詢服務,協助評估和推介投資工具,如股票、債券、基金、房地產等。我們專家更提供售後服務,為每一個客人提供諮詢及投資產品的分析與跟進。

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